Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyers
When you’ve been injured in a Car Accident or a Slip and Fall, the only thing you should have to worry about is getting better, not insurance companies and crippling medical expenses. Let our experienced team of lawyers take the burden off of you. If we don’t win, you won’t owe us a penny. We Win or it’s Free®.
We Can Help With:
Car Accidents
Slip and Falls
Workers Compensation
Limited Tort
Bus Accidents

Hire The Right Attorney!
Take charge of your case. Don’t trust your case with just anyone. Our record speaks for itself. We have won millions of dollars for our clients and have been winning Personal Injury cases for decades. When you choose us, you have our guarantee that we will fight as hard as we can for you; we will not rest until you get the justice you deserve.
We understand that after an accident, you will have lots of stress and worry, and many questions about how to get your life back on track. You may be worried about missing work, paying medical bills, or caring for your family. Our personal injury attorneys will put your mind at ease and go above and beyond to take the stress and worry from you so you can focus on the most important aspect, your health.
Obtaining Medical Treatment
Your main focus should be getting better. Let us handle the rest. The importance of receiving the right medical treatment cannot be understated. Don’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed by the stress of choosing the best course of treatment.
We have decades of experience helping severely injured clients recover physically. While we are by no means medical experts, we are happy to direct you to medical experts who have a proven history of helping injured individuals to get better.
Medical Treatment
Gathering of Evidence
We will begin collecting evidence. Examples of this include obtaining a police report, employment records, insurance records, and medical records.
Filing of Complaint.
Winning Your Case
** In pursuing your claim, everything you tell us will be kept in strict confidence. **
What Should You Do Immediatly Following An Accident
If you were involved in an accident, follow this simple checklist to help you pursue your claim more efficiently.
- Call the Police & Emergency Services. If an accident is not reported, it makes a claim more difficult and if you or anyone else has been injured it is important that medical treatment be administered right away.
- Take Photos. The more photos there are of the accident, the more evidence can be presented to support your case.
- Find Witnesses. Identify and collect the contact information (names, phone numbers, email, and physical addresses) of any eyewitnesses who may have seen what happened.
- Insurance Information- Always get others’ insurance information before you leave the scene of the accident.
Many people involved in minor Accidents choose not to hire a lawyer because they believe the cost of paying an attorney does not outweigh the benefit.
Why Should You Hire A Lawyer
A good Personal Injury attorney should inform a person involved in an Accident with no injuries that settling with the insurance company is in their best interest when the insurance company is making a fair offer.
Our experience is that in the vast majority of Accidents, hiring a Personal Injury lawyer is vital to protecting their interests .
Experience in Negotiation-Insurance companies are in the business of making money, not paying out claims.
All insurance companies will try to settle a matter for as little as possible. Unsuspecting victims of Accidents may be pressured into accepting a settlement that does not cover the damage to their property, the medical bills they have incurred, and leaves them in a perilous financial situation.
Personal Injury attorneys work with insurance companies and are very familiar with the ins-and-outs of insurance settlements. An Accident lawyer can often get two or three times as much money from an insurance company because of the experience they have in negotiating. Accident lawyers are knowledgeable about the types of settlements, comparative payouts, and the costs of medical care. Hiring an accident attorney can prevent the insurance company from swindling injured drivers.
Knowledge of the Law -An experienced Accident attorney knows the laws.
Pennsylvania has some of the most unique laws in the nation. An experienced Accident lawyer in Philadelphia will understand the subtle nuances of the law and how to apply the law in court when necessary. Insurance laws can prevent victims from getting compensation from some injuries or damage to personal property when the laws are not applied correctly, and once a settlement agreement is signed, there is very little a person can do to get the kind of help they will need.
Proving Fault and Challenging Decisions
This is the single most important reason to hire an Accident lawyer to handle your Car Accident claim. Pennsylvania law allows for comparative fault, in other words, if you are partly at fault for an accident, your compensation will be reduced accordingly.
A skilled injury lawyer with experience litigating Accidents will prevent victims from taking the blame for an accident that wasn’t their fault. Remember, insurance companies are trying to settle for as little as they can, and reducing the liability of the driver the company covers is the best way to prevent paying for damages and injuries. In many decisions, courts will make rulings that are inconsistent with the law. An Accident lawyer in Philadelphia that knows how the law is correctly interpreted can prevent unfair decisions made by courts.
Practice Areas
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Even if you don’t have car insurance, we can win your case. We understand that not having insurance does not make an accident your fault and should not have an effect on your opportunity to recover what you deserve.
Some examples of common types of motor vehicle cases that we have won for our clients include rear end collisions, side impact crashes, head on collisions, side swipe collisions, motor cycle accidents, and pedestrian accidents.
Slip and Falls
At our Law Offices, we have a proven record of winning cases for clients who have become injured as a result slipping and falling. When you are invited to be on the property of another, whether it be as a consumer, renter, or visitor, you have the right to expect that the conditions on the property will be safe.
Those who invite you to shop or dine at their business have a duty to make sure to keep their property safe for you. That means preventing slippery floors and sidewalks, providing adequate lighting, and the eliminating any other dangerous condition. If you are lawfully present at the location and are paying reasonable attention, you shouldn’t expect to become injured. Our law firm understands the ins and outs of Premises Liability law and will relentlessly fight for you.
Bus Accidents
There is no prediction to when or where an accident can occur. An injury lawyer will tell stories of numerous clients that visit their office and say they never dreamed they would be involved in an accident. In fact, no one plans to be involved in an accident at any point – there is a reason for the definition of the word, after all.
Workers Compensation Claims
All too often, worker’s compensation claims end up in front of a judge. If that happens, you should hire an attorney. The rules and procedures are not things the average person is familiar with. And for many, testifying in front of a judge is daunting.